The service life of industrial fans can be significantly diminished if they are not protected from erosion, abrasion, and corrosion caused by different chemicals and other components within the atmosphere of the industrial environment. Finishes and coatings are an efficient way of keeping harmful substances from damaging the surface as well as the operational components of fans. In this article, we will look at some of the industrial fan coatings that are not only aesthetic and protective but make the fans more resistant to airborne particles, heat, fire, and several other elements.
Energy Recovery System
June 20, 2022
The key to a successful waste heat recovery project is optimizing the efficient use of the recovered energy. By installing condensing economizers, companies can improve the overall heat recovery efficiency by about 10%. Many applications, such as district heating systems, wallboard production facilities, greenhouses, food processing plants, pulp and paper mills, textile plants, and hospitals, can benefit immensely from this additional heat recovery. Condensing economizers require site-specific engineering and design and a thorough understanding of the effect they will have on the existing system.
An example of a maximum energy-efficient and affordable system is the ConDex Energy Recovery Solution by Combustion & Energy System Ltd. The ConDex System utilizes specialized metallurgy and proprietary design engineering to significantly enhance the heat transfer process in a wide variety of applications. The ConDex System is also dramatically smaller and far more efficient than its competing designs. As a result, the ConDex System costs far less to not only operate but maintain as well.

ConDex Energy Recovery Solution diagram[1].
The centrifugal blower is one of the essential components of a combustion economizer energy recovery system. It supplies flue gas to an air-water heat exchanger and should be selected and designed to meet the characteristics of the flue gas. This helps the entire system work more efficiently, reducing the energy consumption and wastage by up to 16%. Furthermore, the system also reduces emissions by up to 14% and is therefore also known as an economiser. It has now become an important part in the world of energy-efficient, energy-optimized, and environmentally friendly broiler operation industry.
The flue gas composition is therefore a very important element in the entire operation, at it impacts, its operating and maximum temperatures, and pressure drops across the system. IATC’s BISW (Backward Inclined Single Wide) centrifugal blower model is a perfect example of such an application.

BISW (Backward Inclined Single Wide) centrifugal blower model[2]
The BISW can withstand temperatures up to 800°F, is available in corrosion and spark-resistant construction, and has a capacity of up to 445,000 CFM @ 28”. This centrifugal blower has been designed to meet the harsh conditions of such energy recovery systems. Noise and vibration produced by large blowers are also a concern in industrial applications, requiring them to have the right design and selection of vibration controls.
Centaxia Industrial Air Solutions provides air movement solutions to a host of industries with its industrial fan and blower lines. For queries regarding anything related to industrial air solutions, give the Centaxia experts a call at 888-656-0444.